Enterprises and organisations now adays utilize numerous applications, technologies and portals which facilitate their business operations. Strategies, process and technologies that manage and facilitate operation of them securely are recognized as Enterprise Security.

For organisations that already have a cybersecurity strategy, framework and policies, every component must be reviewed annually to ensure that they are still effective. Most plans are reviewed regularly to improve on current cybersecurity defenses, especially if the organisation suffered from a recent data breach. Regular reviews based on data and threat intelligence identify if a cybersecurity component needs to be retired and replaced, or it just needs to be patched and updated. Continual reviews of current enterprise security strategies are essential as cyber-criminals always change their techniques.

Cloud computing has made it cheaper for businesses to incorporate high-end technology, reduce cost of on-premise management. However, it has made cybersecurity strategies more difficult to manage by their IT department. Misconfigurations in cloud infrastructure have led to several significant data breaches with little effort from attackers. Usually, the IT department simply does not have the manpower or resources to carry out cyber security checks and balances.

We provide tailor made advice relevant to your business context and needs to keep your organization and its data safe and your business operating in its full potential.

If you unsure where to start, Blackpawn can help you from Concept to Delivery and well beyond delivery, into Operation.

The goal of Security in System Engineering will be to provide a framework to address the current and future vulnerabilities in systems under consideration. In collaboration with your team, we will embed security in all facets of system engineering process.

  • Cloud Strategy and transformation
  • Architecture and Design Principle(Infrastructure, Quality and Knowledge Management)
  • Technical Management Process (Validation and Assessment of Cloud Implementation)